miercuri, 1 octombrie 2014

Din "brass bell: a haiku journal", octombrie 2014

Tema lunii Moon haiku

cart with watermelons
up the hill —
the moon by a beanstalk
 - Anisoara Iordache

dreaming together —
holding hands
first steps on the moon
 - Daniela Lacramioara Capota

red traffic light
a jet plane
crosses the moon
 - Lavana Kray

silent night
the moon like a queen
reigns over a snowy field
 - Luciana Vladimir

between sky and sea
only the mist —
winter moon
 - Maria Tirenescu

at the window
half moon and some crumbs —
waiting guests
 - Petruta Ionescu

across a steamed window
distorted moon
 - Silvestru Miclaus

travel moon
the bitter green
of a late autumn
 - Victoria Fatu Nelatiu

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