sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2013

Shiki Monthly Kukai

June 2013 Results

A. Kigo Theme:

8 Points
barefoot –
the green grass
of childhood

Virginia Popescu
(0,2,4) = 8 pts
5 Points
wind rolled thistles
in the monastery door -
a barefoot monk

lavana kray
(0,1,3) = 5 pts

through the old battlefield -
the ancestors' dream

Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă
(0,1,3) = 5 pts
3 Points
counting stars
I tramp on tender wheat

Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
(0,1,1) = 3 pts
2 Points
Bare feet in the grass
Me and my daughter
First summer rain

Steliana Cristina Voicu
Ploiesti, Romania
(0,1,0) = 2 pts

after rain -
running through puddles

Ailoaei Cristina
(0,0,2) = 2 pts
1 Points

sunrise -
I walk alone through
the wet grass

(0,0,1) = 1 pts

No Points
barefoot everywhere -
from place to place the sand
cools down a bit

Cristina Oprea

barefoot call girl -
folding the map on the shore
covered teacher spy



B.Free Format Theme:

Third Place - 21 Points
seashells -
I wish I could hear
her voice again

Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă
(1,6,9) = 21 pts

20 Points
low tide -
the stars crowded
among shells

Ailoaei Cristina
(0,5,10) = 20 pts

7 Points
pearl oyster –
mystery of the sea
in an earring

Virginia Popescu
(0,1,5) = 7 pts

5 Points
after her divorce -
another crushed snail shell
on a rainy path

Cristina Oprea
(0,0,5) = 5 pts
2 Points
Sand castle
The shell of a sea snail
My gift for the queen

Steliana Voicu
(0,1,0) = 2 pts

half a shell
tight in my fist -
we complete each other

lavana kray
(0,0,2) = 2 pts

whispers of sea
enclosed in a shell -

(0,0,2) = 2 pts
No Points
cracked seashell
left by ebbing tides
my mind refills

Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu

squealing for money -
barefoot call girl dancing
on the sea shells



Caribbean Kigo Kukai

CKK #43 Results
 kigo - wetness/umezeală


Cezar-Florin Ciobîca

Points: 12

scorching day -
enjoying the wetness
of my dog's nose


Ailoaei Cristina

Points: 05

no news-
the wetness
in her eyes


Dan Iulian

Points: 05

engraved by wetness
of so many tears


Lavana Kray

Points: 03

a man cutting down a tree -
on the wetness of his t-shirt
Sahara map



Points: 03

wetness' witnesses
blody minded 


Late entry

Steliana Cristina Voicu

Watercolors spilled –
In the floor wetness
Tulips bloom again


miercuri, 19 iunie 2013

Câteva rezultate remarcabile

Poeta Letiţia Lucia Iubu a obţinut câteva premii la un concurs organizat de Haokouest şi la kukai-ul organizat în limba franceză. Poemele sunt traduse de autoarea lor. 

     Matin de pluie –

la voix douce de ma mère

    au téléphone

[3 ème prix Haïkouest Concours Voix, mars 2013]

Dimineaţă ploioasă –

vocea caldă a mamei

    la telefon

[Premiul III la Concursul Haikouest, Vocea, martie 2013]

 Au coin du feu –

sur les murs blancs

 ombres chinoises

[1 ème place Herbe Folle Kukai No.27 avril 2013]

 La gura sobei –

 pe pereţii albi

umbre chinezeşti

[locul I Herbe Folle Kukai Nr.27 aprilie 2013]

   Noce dans le vilage –

sur le bouquet de la mariée

  un chardon séché.

[3 ème place Herbe Folle Kukai No.27 avril 2013]

Nuntă în sat –

pe buchetul miresei

un ciulin uscat

[loculIII Herbe Folle Kukai Nr.27 aprilie 2013

marți, 18 iunie 2013

Din revista Ploc! Nr. 43

Letiţia Lucia Iubu

Allongée dans l’herbe –
les étoiles de la Voie Lactée
éclairent mon visage

Întinsă în iarbă –
stelele Căii Lactee
îmi luminează chipul

Assis sur le banc –
le parfum de la “reine de la nuit”
s’envole vers les étoiles

Aşezat pe bancă –
parfumul “reginei nopţii”
se înalţă la stele

Steliana Cristina Voicu

Allongé dans l’herbe –
Le ciel secoue
Ses roses

Întins în iarbă –
Cerul îşi  scutură

Maria Tirenescu
toute la journée
je pense seulement à la nuit –
elle viendra sûrement

toată ziua
mă gândesc numai la noapte –
ea va veni cu siguranţă


Societatea Germană de Haiku
Deutsche Haiku Gesellschaft a sărbătorit 
recent 25 de ani de existență.

Cu acest prilej a fost organizat un kukai
a cărui temă a fost Geburtstag/Zi de naștere.
La concurs au participat 78 de haijini din
Austria, Elveția, Olanda, Franța, Polonia,
România, Italia, Spania, Canada, Japonia și Yemen.

Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă s-a clasat pe
locul al III-lea cu poemul

geburtstagsabend -
im sommergras flüstern
alle vorfahren

noaptea petrecerii -

în iarba verii șoptesc

țoți străbunii


Poemele de pe podium au fost citite publicului prezent la manifestarea din Ochtrup de  către Rita Rosen.  

La jubileu a participat în calitate de invitat
și maestrul Ion Codrescu cu o expoziție de haiga.

luni, 17 iunie 2013

„Хайку клуб София”/ HAIKU CLUB SOFIA - 2013

La cea de-a VI-a ediție a
Concursului Național de Haiku
pe temă liberă organizat de
Clubul de Haiku din Sofia/Bulgaria,

au fost  înregistrate 570 de poeme.
La categoria participare străină/
Награди за чуждестранно участие,
românii Eduard Țară și Cezar Ciobîcă
au obținut locurile I, respectiv, al II-lea.

Първа награда/Premiul I
Eдуард ЦАРЪ/Eduard Țară


зимен вятър -
чайката настига
своя вик

vânt de iarnă -
pescărușul prinde
strigătul ei

Втора награда
/Premiul al II-lea
Чезар Чиобика/Cezar Ciobîcă 

Румъния/ România

Тиха нощ
дървояди гризат
ореола на светец

liniștea nopții -

se-aud doar carii rozând
nimbul sfântului


duminică, 16 iunie 2013

European Quarterly Kukai #2 - Summer 2013

162 authors from 39 countries:
Romania (15)

22 points – 5th place

Sebastian Lucacs
(4-4-2) = 22 pts

not even a word
between us -
mating fireflies

19 points – 7th place (2)

Dan Iulian
(4-2-3) = 19 pts

early morning-
the cormorant’s wings shake
first drops of light
16 points - 9th place

Cristina Ailoaei
(4-1-2) = 16 pts

searing heat -
a dog chasing after
the ice cream truck

14 points - 10th place

Cezar-Florin Ciobîcă
(2-3-2) = 14 pts

steady drought -
only the cricket's song

Eduard Tara
(3-1-1) = 12 pts

At the edge of night
more and more flamingos –
summer dawn

Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
(1-3-0) = 9 pts

tall haystacks ...
the sun falls down
behind grandpa's hat

Adrian-Nicolae Popescu
(2-0-0) = 6 pts

just a summer love -
my paralyzed leg caressing
hot sand of the beach
Lavana Kray
(1-1-1) = 6 pts

a bug in my hair -
we take a nap together
in a poppy field
Laura Csilla
(0-1-0) = 2 pts

scorching day -
the falcon's shadow above
the water trough
(0-0-1) = 1 pt

summer satellite -
"UFO" you've got to enjoy
fried zucchini in oil

0 points

Steliana Cristina Voicu

In the gazebo
rustling of acacia blossoms
and Moon silence

Oprica Padeanu

peace of the evening-
the light of a lily
is steaming the torch.
No results (authors who didn’t vote)

Vasile Moldovan

Witching hour-
the moon and field poppy
lighting each other

Cristina David

Summer breeze, flying birds and swing of flowers, waves foam, blue and green...

Andra Andronic

summer day -
only linden flowers
in the beggar's hat


vineri, 14 iunie 2013


First Prize

Cristina Oprea

the Endless Column -
somewhere, another cricket
is counting the stars

Coloana Infinitului –
undeva, alt greier
numără stelele


sâmbătă, 1 iunie 2013



14 Points
ceaseless rain -
the autistic child
drawing an ark

Cezar F. Ciobîcă
**would have given more points if no gerund in l.3
12 Points
cold rain -
her urn

Seby Lucacs
(1,3,3) = 12 pts
**would have given more points if no dash in l.1

Sunday rain -
cleaning the old wax
from the candlestick

Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
(0,1,10) = 12 pts
10 Points
field in rain -
scarecrow’s hat
for shelter

Virginia Popescu
(2,0,4) = 10 pts
9 Points
endless rain –
she’s hiding her tears
in a handkerchief

Eduard TARA
(0,2,5) = 9 pts
**i.m.o.-would be better with "she hides..." in line two.
7 Points
last hug on the beach -
the rain still smells
of your after shave

lavana kra
(0,1,5) = 7 pts
5 Points
the long rain
after the long drought -
sound of jazz

Laura Csilla
(0,1,3) = 5 pts
3 Points
long rain –
the joy of snail who is away
for a walk

(1,0,0) = 3 pts

long rain -
the acacia trees remain
without flowers

Ailoaei Cristina
(0,0,3) = 3 pts
2 Points

after rain -
from the flowers round
cricket song

Andronic Andra

(0,1,0) = 2 pts

no cricket song,
no star in the window -
will this rain ever stop?

Cristina Oprea
(0,0,2) = 2 pts
One Point
long rain-
I'm searching on Google,
images with the rainbow

Petru Ioan Garda
(0,0,1) = 1 pts
No Points
dancing in the rain -
all inclusive Argen' Tango
tanga exclusive



Second Place -  35 Points
dusty attic -
a one-eyed doll
still smiling

Virginia Popescu

(1,7,18) = 35 pts
**A strong image, poignant, and even creepy.
**If we forget that it's a painted smile, this slips into
sentimentality. But that would be our fault.
13 Points
dusty mirror -
face without wrinkles

Lavana Kray
Iasi-Romania (RO)
(1,2,6) = 13 pts
summer’s dust –
the page I never covered
with words

Eduard TARA
(0,3,7) = 13 pts
9 Points
dust to dust...
whispering poppies on
the old battlefield

Cezar F. Ciobîcă
(0,2,5) = 9 pts

8 Points
red moonrise
on the priest's tomb

Cristina-Monica Moldoveanu
(1,2,1) = 8 pts
2 Points
more dust on the map
of Middle East Peace Quartet -
gunpowder like

(0,1,0) = 2 pts

One Point

Victory Day -
mother shakes the dust off
my grandfather's mantle

Petru-Ioan Garda
(0,0,1) = 1 pts

No Points
dusted shoes
and traces lost in water -
the cry of a gull

Cristina Oprea

empty cart
goes rumbaring –
a cloud of dust
